B.Tech subject Tuition classes for Maths 4

Maths 4 is a common subject for branches CSE, IT and ECE, it is not included in EEE. In the recent mid semester examination of IP university, the paper was having questions of Probability, Homogeneous differential equations, non homogenous differential equation. We are giving tuitions of Engineering maths four in west Delhi. Students are coming to us from different locations of Delhi. We are giving Maths B.Tech Maths tuition for IP university students. We are covering all the previous years papers. We are now going to start unit three from coming Saturday . We are running weekend batch in which regular and reappear both students are coming. All the questions of the paper were from our notes. We are also giving backup classes to new students coming to us on weekdays. We are also giving B.Tech maths two back up classes to all the new students those have joined us recently. We are in a process to cover all the previous years’ problems of B.Tech to all our students. We are going to s...