Engineering Maths tuitions for second and fourth semester

This semester Maths2 and Maths4 tuition batches are being run on the institute. About four classes are done for each of them. In Maths two subject Syllabus till Jacobians in done. In college the sessional exams are to be held nearly 25 Feb. Students have to prepare the chapters like, partial differentitation, applications of partial differentiation, partial differential equations, Laplacem Transform. From the feedback of last year there it came out that. A general opinion among the students was that exams came much early. It is not true because study session of second semester started on about 6 th January, and no student joined the college till 16 th Jan. Very few students started coming to classes after two week of the start of academic session. After the completion of end term examination of December exams, student thought that we should have a long vacation. This is not the case exactly, very less time is available in between the final exams of odd semester and arrival of new...